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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Daily writing 4

Daily writing 4

Q In the latter part of the eighteenth century, the Founding Fathers, in the throes of war, possessed enough wisdom and courage to recognize the God-given right of Americans to physically defend themselves from threats of danger and to feed their families; that is among the reasons why America's Founders placed the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights. That perpetual, social justice human right still exists, for the same reason, in our twenty-first century, as affirmed by a recent Supreme Court decision. The Second Amendment was written by some highly intelligent people, and written with such simplicity that even a ___________ (fill-in-the-blanks) could understand it without an attorney. Here it is: As the above Rand Paul quotation affirms, the American government does not exist to grant us human rights; the government exists to protect the human rights that God, in His grace, has already granted us from the moment we were conceived (Psalm 127:3 (Links to an external site.), Isaiah 44:2 (Links to an external site.)). Read the Peter Manseau article, "The Myth of the 'Good Guy With A Gun' Has Religious Roots." (Links to an external site.) Compose a persuasive essay (400-word minimum) that uses an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph that argue for one of the opinions below. Opinion 1: The Second Amendment of the Constitution and our God-given right to protect ourselves with a firearm should stand as the Founders intended. Opinion 2: Even though our nation’s leaders put their hand on the Bible or other sacred book and swear an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution, which includes the Second Amendment, those same leaders who repeated that oath should support legislation that ignores the Bill of Rights and violates their sworn oath by banning the sale, distribution, and private ownership of all legally registered firearms except for those required by employment in the fifty states and all United States territories. IMPORTANT NOTE TO PRIOR STUDENTS: If you have previously taken this course, you may not choose the same opinion. If clarity is needed, contact me. If needed, read this assignment’s definition of a firearm. (Links to an external site.) THESIS: Your thesis for this essay should address, but not quote, Manseau's contention that "The problem is not guns; it's hearts without God." No matter which opinion above you select, take a clear, logical stand on the issue. Before forming your required thesis, read “A Word about the Thesis” accessed here. (Links to an external site.) Do not stand on the fence when forming your opinion (thesis). This is not a neutral topic. This instructor remains objective about your opinions in this course; however, your opinions will be evaluated by the logic used to support them. It would be ridiculous to assume that everyone has the same opinion about any one issue. If you need clarity on this or any assignment, contact me during my previously announced contact hours. When forming a thesis (argument, opinion), recall that a credible, valid opinion is always supported by facts. Please note that the term "gun violence" appears once in the article. "Gun violence" does not exist in America. During this instructor's two tours in Vietnam, my squad members and I were required to qualify with squad equipment that included an M-14 rifle, an M-16 rifle, an M-60 machine gun, an M-79 grenade launcher, an M72 light anti-armor launcher, and Claymore anti-personnel mines. Each of those weapons are capable of terminating enemy forces, but read this carefully because there is a point to be made: Not one of those weapons nor any other firearm is capable of violence. If further explanation is needed, please feel free to ask. One more note: My squad would have thought it was a joke if we had been told to carry an AR-15 in that environment, and not one of our assigned weapons was referred to as an "assault weapon." Like "assault weapon," once the term "gun violence" is accepted as valid, the actual cause of the violence is shifted from the violent human perpetrator to the gun, and that is a fallacious argument. Review a Week 1 reading assignment about fallacious arguments, pp. 71-86, Everything's an Argument. CAUTION: Avoid using ambiguous expressions such as "gun violence" or “assault weapon.” A BB gun, a Puma Stag hunting knife, a letter opener, or a Slobovian hoe could be used as an assault weapon. The terms "assault weapon" and "gun violence" are fabricated terms adopted by certain anti-constitutional factions. The terms are popular within those groups but nothing less than misleading. My neighbor, a retired Coast Guard senior chief petty officer, owns several firearms. To my knowledge his firearms have never assaulted or been violent toward anyone. I have never witnessed a firearm assault or be violent toward anyone. On the other hand, incidences of violent people who use firearms to assault other people apparently happen every day in this country. The solution for that is "violent people control." POINT OF VIEW: Compose the essay using the third-person point of view of one of the following: Choice 1: A minimum wage employee who exercises the constitutional right to carry a concealed firearm and whose shift ends at midnight at a business located in a not-so-safe part of a city. Choice 2: A gun store owner who is a single parent and a decorated Gulf War veteran who, just like the president, took an oath to defend the Constitution, and he is struggling to put two children through college with only the income from his gun store and ammo business. Choice 3: A newly elected Christian mayor of a city where gun violence by criminals is rampant. The mayor is a legal gun owner. The mayor has discharged her gun four times to protect her family, property, and outlying twenty-acre vegetable field from a drove of illegally imported, escaped wild asses that roam the hills and plains (Links to an external site.) adjacent to her rural property. The wild asses encroaching on the mayor’s property are much like the drove of asses in the video below. IMPORTANT NOTE TO PRIOR STUDENTS: If you have previously taken this course, you may not use the same point of view choice. If clarity is needed, contact me. Choose only one of the above points of view. Remember, in this third-person assignment, you are writing about the third person, not as the third person. The voice (point of view) must be evident in all paragraphs, especially in the introductory and concluding paragraphs. Write from only the third-person point of view. Provide a given name and surname for your third person in the introductory paragraph and concluding paragraphs. In each remaining paragraph, use only the surname of the third person. Except the authors of the sources and any names in those sources, no other names shall be used in this essay. Sir David Attenborough narrates the video below. Sir David is a multiple award-winning and universally acclaimed documentary narrator. Attenborough received his knighthood in 1985. Enable volume. The behavior of the wild asses in the video is not unlike the unpredictable nature of asses which the Christian mayor experiences on her property. IMPORTANT NOTE: If your essay supports the idea that the leaders of our nation should ignore the constitutional Second Amendment and deprive Americans of their God-given rights, then support that by providing a complete paragraph of how to accomplish confiscating firearms from criminals who could care less about gun laws. The language in assignments that require writing from a particular point of view must conform to the “English Composition Checklist.” For example, a dirty rotten scoundrel would probably use some unsavory language filled with inappropriate expletives, but if an English Composition student were writing from the point of view of a dirty rotten scoundrel, the voice must be that of a dirty rotten scoundrel, but the writing (usage, grammar, language mechanics) must be suitable for English Composition 1302 classroom expectations. The use of slang or a language other than American English will result in the appropriate usage point deduction on any essay assignment. View a short video about third-person point of view below.” For additional help with point of view, access this source. (Links to an external site.) If a refresher to identify pronoun person is needed, this source is very helpful. (Links to an external site.) In the text of the essay and on a Works Cited page, use and cite the Manseau source below and one other online source (MLA format style) that supports your thesis. The textbooks, Google Drive, and Canvas can never be used as sources for citations. Before you choose the other online source, make sure to review the “Instructor Addendum to the Syllabus,” especially Item 8. This assignment is societal, absolutely not political. If clarity is needed on that, access and read this source. (Links to an external site.) Two sources for your essay are required, and one must be the Manseau source (link below). Your essay must specifically address the light green, light blue, and yellow highlighted passages in the Manseau source. Any statistics used in your essay must cite a source and must be expressed with numerals, but a limit of three statistics, if needed, is imposed on this essay assignment. This assignment requires a secondary source. Access this website for a recommendation. (Links to an external site.) The secondary online source of your choice must directly relate to your thesis. It also must have an author (first and last name), a full date (dd/mm/yyyy), and must conform to the requirements of the “Instructor Addendum to the Thesis,” a weekly review assignment. Your second source may not be a Colton source, a Napolitano source, or a Manseau source. The Bible, other sacred documents, or reference sources may be used only as tertiary sources. PARAGRAPH REQUIREMENT: The paragraph requirement for Daily Writing essay assignments is introductory paragraph, at least two body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. Paragraph divisions provide transition, clarity, and organization to an essay. Recommended Essay Organization: Access this handout to learn about sentence and paragraph organization. (Links to an external site.) To view a helpful, short video about composing an introductory paragraph, view the “Introductory Paragraph” video in Module 1. To view a helpful, short video about composing a concluding paragraph, view the video in Module 1. PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT: In journalistic and some other styles of writing, a paragraph can be just about anything that the writer composes as long as it effectively holds the reader’s attention. A paragraph in EH 1301 and EH 1302 must be attention-getting, but more structured, consisting of a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. QUOTATION REQUIREMENT: When you review the model essay, notice that there is one short, direct quotation (from research) in the paper. Most of the writing in the paper is created by the student, not quoted from another source. Do not submit essays or a research paper in which a large part is quoted material. I want your writing based on your research. This assignment requires a minimum of two direct quotations from the Manseau source and a minimum of one quotation from your secondary online source. Each quotation must be at least two complete lines of text but not more than four lines of text, placed in separate paragraphs, and must pertain to the content of that paragraph. Source requirement: Primary source required: Manseau Secondary source required: An online source of your choice that supports your thesis and conforms to Item 8 in the "Instructor Addendum to the Syllabus." Tertiary source optional: The Bible or other sacred document. Carefully review Item 17 in the "Instructor Addendum to the Syllabus." No other sources shall be used in this essay assignment. Quotation Example: President Joe Biden (then Vice President) NOTE: The above quotation is provided as an example only. It does not include the required in-text citation, and it is not two complete lines of text. Source: USA Today (Links to an external site.) Additionally, the quotation image above may appear to be in bold lettering. Do not bold anything in an essay. A quotation may never form its own paragraph; it must be included within a paragraph and directly relate to the content of that paragraph. All quotations must be "within" a paragraph, not in the introductory or concluding sentence of a paragraph. An appropriate in-text citation, correctly constructed, must immediately follow the quotation. The accumulative quotations in this assignment may not include more than eight lines of text unless otherwise instructed. Any quotation used must be at least two complete lines of text. IN-TEXT CITATIONS: No matter how many times an author’s name is used in the narrative, an in-text citation must be provided when a quotation by that author is used. Other instructors’ guidance may differ. The in-text citation must be placed immediately following the quotation. The number of quotations in the same paragraph is limited to one. Access this example of an in-text citation. (Links to an external site.) An example of the Manseau full citation is below. IMPORTANT: For help capitalizing an essay or research paper title, follow this guidance from the MLA Handbook Ninth Edition: When creating or citing an essay title or the title of online articles and books, capitalize the first word and the last word. Capitalize all other words within the title except the following parts of speech: articles, coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions. This capitalization rule also includes hyphenated titles. For help punctuating an essay title, review the full citation in the model essay. (Links to an external site.) For additional help with formatting the Works Cited page and citations, review the model essay and other examples provided with Weeks 1 and 2 assignments. If the last paragraph of the text of your essay is 2, then the Works Cited page shall begin on Page 3, the page following the last paragraph of your essay. The page must be titled Works Cited centered at the top of the page, followed by a list of the citations. The Works Cited page must be numbered consecutively. Students should make every effort to submit the daily writing assignments and Discussion comments before submitting the formal essay assignment. I will try to respond to all assignments within 72 hours of the due date (excluding weekends and holidays). For correct formatting, review the model essay. (Links to an external site.) The Works Cited page is never included in the word count. Identify this assignment as “Daily Writing 2.2” (without the quotation marks). Submit this assignment as an attachment no later than the due date. Save this file submission as DW2.2YourLastName (no spaces). I will return all assignments to you with a grade and my comments written directly on the assignment. If you do not read my comments on the graded assignments, you are missing half the class. Submit Daily Writing 2.2 NLT the due date. Due date: July 7 (Any assignment submitted after the due date is subject to the imposition of a five-point-per-day late penalty.)

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The debate about gun ownership and misuse has been prevalent in the recent past. The second amendment grants individuals the right to acquire guns through regulated measures and purposely for self-defense. However, it is through this route that most bad people find their hands on guns, aiding in mass shootings. While many argue that this constitutional provision should be scrapped, another segment pegs their argument on the phrase “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”